Education & Training


Opportunities for the Harvard research community to receive formal training in research conduct, safety, and protocol

Research compliance training ranges from general guidelines for the conduct of ethical and responsible research to specific requirements for the conduct of research pursuant to regulations governing the subject matter, or materials used in, research (e.g., human subjects regulations, animal care regulations, chemical and biosafety regulations).  Harvard University is committed to the provision of training to faculty, researchers, administrators, and staff that is targeted to their specific research areas and research-related roles and consistent with regulatory and/or sponsor requirements.

Research compliance training offerings developed at the School or University level may be uploaded to the Harvard Training Portal pursuant to the Guidelines for Research Compliance Training and only upon completion and approval of the Research Compliance Training Checklist.

For trainings other than those listed below, please see the Harvard Training Portal website.

Animal Research & IACUCS Training Resources

The AALAS Learning Library offers numerous courses about animal care and use in research and education.

This online program is comprised of multiple basic and species-specific courses for all Harvard researchers: CITI Laboratory Animal Welfare Course

Export Control Policies & Procedures Training

On-Line Training:

Harvard University provides on-line Introduction to Export Controls Training through the Harvard Training Portal, as well as guidance pamphlets in areas such as international travel and international shipping (see sidebar).

In-Person Training:

Representatives from OVPR are also happy to partner with School EC Administrators to provide tailored training to departments and institutes.  To schedule a targeted training, contact Melissa Lopes in OVPR at:


FCOI (Financial Conflict of Interest) Training

Human Subjects & IRBs Trainings

Lab Safety Training

Environmental Health & Safety Training

Harvard (Cambridge) Lab Safety Course

Provides information on the following topics: the Harvard University Chemical Hygiene Plan, Material Safety Data Sheets, Chemical Information Sheets, and Biosafety/Bloodborne Pathogens (only offered in MCB/OEB sessions). Participants will also learn how to correctly classify and store hazardous waste.

Longwood Lab Safety Training Materials and Handouts

Please refer to the campus-wide training materials on the Environmental Health and Safety site.

Provost Criteria for Review Training

International Collaborations and Activities Training (login via Harvard Key)

Research Integrity Training

Cambridge and Allston RCR

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) – RCR

Department of Health and Human Services Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research

HMS Responsible Conduct of Research Postdoc Training

Office of Research Integrity Training: ORI Website & Responsible Conduct of Research (Cambridge/Allston) Course Website

Harvard Longwood Campus Training Resources

Office of Sponsored Programs Training Website

Financial Oversight of Sponsored Funding: What Researchers Need to Know

Research Excellence in Administration Certificate at Harvard (REACH):

The Research Excellence in Administration Certificate at Harvard (REACH) program is an interactive and engaging cohort-based certificate program specifically designed for Harvard research administrators and other personnel engaged in assisting in the management of sponsored funds.

Stem Cell and ESCRO Training

See the Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight (“ESCRO”) Committee website for details.